
International Journal Papers

Axel Faes, Flavio Camarrone, Marc M. Van Hulle, "Single finger trajectory prediction from intracranial brain activity using Block-Term Tensor Regression with fast and automatic component extraction" IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Axel Faes, Aurelie de Borman, Marc M. Van Hulle, "Source space reduction for eLORETA" Journal of Neural Engineering
Axel Faes, Iris Vantieghem, Marc M. Van Hulle, "Neural Networks for Directed Connectivity Estimation in Source-Reconstructed EEG Data" Applied Sciences

Conference Papers

Robin Marx, Maarten Wijnants, Peter Quax, Axel Faes, Wim Lamotte, "Web Performance Characteristics of HTTP/2 and comparison to HTTP/1.1" International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pg 87-114
Robin Marx, Peter Quax, Axel Faes and Wim Lamotte, "Concatenation, embedding and sharding: Do HTTP/1 performance best practices make sense in HTTP/2?" WEBIST 2017 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies

Extended Abstracts

Axel Faes, Mansoureh Fahimi Hnazaee, and Marc M. Van Hulle, "Causal Graphical Modelling of Functional Connectivity from Reconstructed EEG Sources" 8th International BCI Meeting (2021)
Axel Faes and Tom Schrijvers, "Towards a Core Language with Row-Based Effects for Optimised Compilation" International Conference on Functional Programming 2017 Student Research Competition
Kashyap Todi, Brent Berghmans, Axel Faes and Matthijs Kaminski, "Purpose-Centric Appropriation of Everyday Objects as Game Controllers" CHI EA '16: Extended Abstracts of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Late Breaking Work
Kashyap Todi, Donald Degraen, Brent Berghmans, Axel Faes, Matthijs Kaminski and Kris Luyten, "Household Survival: Immersive Room-Sized Gaming Using Everyday Objects as Weapons" CHI EA '16: Extended Abstracts of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Student Game Competition



Axel Faes and Tom Schrijvers, "Towards a Core Language with Row-Based Effects for Optimised Compilation" International Conference on Functional Programming 2017 Student Research Competition

Other publication

Matija Pretnar, Amr Hany Shehata Saleh, Axel Faes and Tom Schrijvers, "Efficient compilation of algebraic effects and handlers" 2017 - CW Reports, CW708, 32 pp. Leuven, Belgium: Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven.


Guilherme de Borras Silva, "Cluster Permutation Analysis of N-Back related EEG-ERP Data" Internship Student
Iris Vantieghem, "Using Neural Networks to derive Directed Connectivity between Reconstructed EEG Sources" Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (2020-2021)
Didier Quintius, "Neural Network Approach to the Inverse Problem" Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (2020-2021)

Talks, presentations and other media

"BCI demo op Advanced Engineering, Antwerp Expo,", georganiseerd door AI Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen Industrie 4.0
"BCI demo op de "Dag van de Wetenschap", georganiseerd door Technopolis", georganiseerd door Technopolis (geannuleerd wegens de covid-19 situatie)
"Honours student Axel Faes wins bronze medal in ACM SIGPLAN", KU Leuven, Department of Computer Science